LAMENT - ترجمة إلى العربية
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LAMENT - ترجمة إلى العربية

Lamenters; Laments; Lamentation; Plangent; Miroloyia; Mirolóyia; Lamenter; Death tribute; Funeral tribute; Cumha na Cloinne; Lament for the Children
  • Egyptian women weeping and lamenting
  • Laments]]''



اِمْتِعاض ; اِنْتِحاب ; تَأَلُّم ; تَأَوُّه ; تَفَجُّع ; تَلَهُّف ; رثَاء ; رَثْي ; زُحَار ; عَوْل ; عَوِيل ; لَهْفَة ; مَرْثِيَّة ; مَنَاحَة ; نَحْب ; نُوَاح ; نَوْح ; وَلْوَلَة


اِنْتَحَبَ ; بَكَى ; تَأَلَّمَ ; تَفَجَّعَ ; تَوَجَّعَ ; رَثَى , رَثا ( المَيِّتَ ) ; عَوَّلَ ; ناحَ ; نَحَبَ

اسْم : عويل . مرثاة
فِعْل : يُعْوِل . ينوح . يندب . يتفجَّع على
أعول ، ناح
ندب ، رثا
عويل ، نواح ، تفجع مرثاة


·v An elegy or mournful ballad, or the like.
II. Lament ·vi To express or feel sorrow; to weep or wail; to Mourn.
III. Lament ·vt To mourn for; to Bemoan; to Bewail.
IV. Lament ·v Grief or sorrow expressed in complaints or cries; lamentation; a wailing; a moaning; a weeping.



A lament or lamentation is a passionate expression of grief, often in music, poetry, or song form. The grief is most often born of regret, or mourning. Laments can also be expressed in a verbal manner in which participants lament about something that they regret or someone that they have lost, and they are usually accompanied by wailing, moaning and/or crying. Laments constitute some of the oldest forms of writing, and examples exist across human cultures.

أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. And my biggest lament--
Escaping the Matrix _ Tom Bilyeu _ Talks at Google
2. And sometimes we lament that.
The Glass Cage - Automation and Us _ Nicholas Carr _ Talks at Google
3. after hearing a dad lament
4. has this music of lament about--
No Mercy in this Land _ Charlie Musselwhite & Ben Harper _ Talks at Google
5. We lament the existence of human smugglers,
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. "Do not lament Israel‘s establishment," she said.
2. You can‘t say Barak‘s lament is entirely baseless.
3. They lament strategic errors but oppose a speedy withdrawal.
4. MPs often understandably lament the declining authority of parliament.
5. Bush won‘t lament the blow sustained by a terror organization.